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Psychologist Session


Referrals can be processed to us via our CONTACT FORM below. In case of emergency please refer to the below:



Feel free to also call us on 021 280 4442 or email direct at



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  • Who can refer to a psychologist?
    We consider referrals from everyone. This includes individuals, parents, caregivers, schools, support agencies, employers, lawyers, police, medical practitioners, etc.
  • What does an assessment involve?
    Assessment will vary depending on the problem. Assessments range from being fairly straightforward to being more complicated. A straightforward assessment may only involve one session with the client to determine what they would like to work on and the development of a short report and treatment plan. Whereas a more complicated assessment might involve the reading of historical documents, interviews with parents, school, observation of the child, behaviour recording by parents, psychometric testing, in-depth report and behaviour modification programme. The assessment will depend on how complex the behaviour or concerns are. Following the assessment, we will know how to best help you and can provide quotes for treatment and intervention services.
  • Why is it necessary to collect information on the behaviour before, during and after psychological help?"
    Prior to the intervention, it is important to have some information about the behaviour. This includes what it looks like, how often it happens, and how long it lasts for. That way, the psychologist has an idea of the underlying function of the behaviour, and what environmental factors may be contributing to the behaviour. Collecting information during and after psychological help is important to see how effective the intervention has been.
  • What does therapy involve?
    Therapy means one on one sessions with your psychologist where you talk about your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. This may include things that are making you upset, stopping you from being happy, or preventing you from reaching your goals in life. Your psychologist will give you take-home tasks like reading, diaries and activities to complete after a therapy session. These will help you to learn to use the skills you are taught during the sessions.
  • What is a psychological intervention?
    A psychological intervention is an action that is done to make something change. This might be therapy sessions and homework assignments as described in the section above. Another type of psychological intervention is when your psychologist creates a plan that tells you and your key support people things to do that will help to change your behaviour. These are called behaviour modification programmes, behaviour management programmes, behavioural programmes, etc. Our interventions use the empirically derived techniques of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) to change behaviour. Before your psychologist writes a plan like this, she will talk to you about it, explain why it is necessary and how much it is likely to cost.
  • What levels of service are offered?
    The level of service needed can range from a ‘watching brief’ through to an in-depth assessment and intervention. For example, parents who are worried about their child may ask for occasional psychology sessions for themselves and their child. The parents may need this at times when they are wanting advice in general or at a time of change (e.g., how to chose the best school to meet the needs of their child). Sometimes an individual or significant other may be simply worried that a seemingly small problem will get bigger. In these cases, a small assessment may be conducted. Then the psychologist will provide a short report or verbal opinion of recommendations of what to do next. On the other hand, an individual may have a very problematic behaviour. This may require an in-depth assessment to determine the cause. Following this, a psychological intervention will be developed and implemented to reduce the behaviour.
  • How can I find out more about the responsibilities and obligations of the psychologists in this practice?
    NZ Psychologists Board NZ Psychological Society Health and Disability Commissioner
  • Haven't Answered Your Question?
    Feel free email us at or call on 021 280 4442
  • Referral Process - Individuals, Families & Children
    First Session Typical sessions are approximately an hour, however the first session may be longer. We will tell you how much time to set aside to see us. Please arrive on time and bring all requested documentation with you. During the session you will be given information about your next contact with us. Psychological Assessment The first session(s) typically involve an assessment of what help is likely to be needed. Depending on the problem, assessment might be very quick and simple, or longer and more in-depth. We can explain why a certain level of assessment is required. After the assessment, we will best know how to help you and can provide further quotes for treatment and intervention services. After Assessment Findings from the assessment may suggest any of the following (or any combination of the following): Further assessment Data collection/behavioural recording Therapy sessions Behaviour management plan Assessment by other professionals Referral to support services Other recommendations Payment See our Terms & Conditions for information on fees, payment options and requirements.
  • Referral Process - Agencies & Organisations
    Liason with Agency or Organisation After our quote is approved, and order for services received, we will make contact with you. We will request information about the individual being referred, such as a case summary and historical documentation. We will also request contact information for the individual and their support people, and other people it may be necessary to make contact with or involve in the assessment or intervention. Reporting Requirements Please inform us of the reporting requirements of your agency/organisation, for example, whether we are required to send assessment results to you directly, or whether we are required to send regular progress reports. Contact with Client When we have all of the background and contact information we require, we will make contact with the client and/or their support people to arrange an appointment. Consent During our first meeting with the client, we will explain our therapy agreement, and obtain consent from the client to fulfil the reporting requirements of the agency and to involve all of the necessary people. Psychological Assessment & Intervention After obtaining consent, we will conduct the assessment or intervention as quoted, and fulfil all reporting requirements. Payment See our Terms & Conditions for information on fees, payment options and requirements.


For individuals, parents, caregivers and support people

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